New Releases
The Retirement Plan
Cage gets his old-guy action flick
New Releases
Cage gets his old-guy action flick
New Releases
Heightened, uneven, Gen Z flavored insanity, which works pretty okay?
New Releases
Kids, amiright?
New Releases
Two Dracula takes in a year? Lucky us!
New Releases
The Happytime Murders by way of dogs.
New Releases
A biopic through the lens of war.
New Releases
A less common type of war film
New Releases
Well, that is, except Jeanne
New Releases
Taken + Locke = this mess, apparently
New Releases
It's been quite a while since I thought about this game series.
New Releases
Triple the sharks, triple the monsters, same story
New Releases
Why'd they have to spoil the one fun cameo in the trailer?