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Sick of Myself
Every Norwegian film is required by law to include at least one scene with Anders Danielsen Lie.
New Releases
Every Norwegian film is required by law to include at least one scene with Anders Danielsen Lie.
New Releases
I’m kind of cheating a bit with this. Technically, Command Z is a web series, not a movie. But it’s directed by Steven Soderbergh, and totals up to about ninety minutes, so I’m counting it. Somewhat arbitrarily, I’ll give you that. But I find Soderbergh to
New Releases
Black & white film can be abused, but when used well, there's nothing quite like it.
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Any movie which seamlessly and earnestly integrates dream pop is gonna have a leg up in my book.
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Cooper's sophomore directorial feature hits some truly high notes, but sustaining a blistering tempo is not its forte.
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Why is eating salad during a tense conversation a trope? And even more interestingly...why does it work?
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The wildest detail of the true story on which this is based is their spelling of Gef.
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Thomasin McKenzie can do no wrong.
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I will never complain that a movie like this, a somewhat lurid adult drama, is getting noticed. Awards buzz, though...
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"Good enough is the enemy of humanity."
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It's crazy that a movie which lacks full frontal nudity (and violence) was rated NC-17.
New Releases
I'm gonna start adding "Absolutely Insane" when I recite a list of choices from now on.