New Releases
The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Two Dracula takes in a year? Lucky us!
All my reviews of new releases
New Releases
Two Dracula takes in a year? Lucky us!
New Releases
The Happytime Murders by way of dogs.
New Releases
A biopic through the lens of war.
New Releases
A less common type of war film
New Releases
Well, that is, except Jeanne
New Releases
Taken + Locke = this mess, apparently
New Releases
It's been quite a while since I thought about this game series.
New Releases
Triple the sharks, triple the monsters, same story
New Releases
Why'd they have to spoil the one fun cameo in the trailer?
New Releases
Teenagers in a horror movie always spell trouble.
New Releases
Go ninja go ninja go!
New Releases
I'm never going to think of tuna melts the same way again.