New Releases
Hard Truths
"Why can’t you enjoy life?" "I don’t know!...Haunted. Haunted. It’s not fair."
All my reviews of new releases
New Releases
"Why can’t you enjoy life?" "I don’t know!...Haunted. Haunted. It’s not fair."
New Releases
"We don’t say that in here. We use 'beloved'."
New Releases
"It's not about politics, it's about emotion."
New Releases
Gia Coppola's take on "The Wrestler"
New Releases
"Our emphasis is on the fact that we want our workers to respect the procedures..."
New Releases
"The shadow casts a nightmare. Awake, yet dreaming."
New Releases
"Track mud on somebody's carpet."
New Releases
"Everything ugly...cruel...stupid...but most importantly, ugly......is your fault."
New Releases
One of the most intimate movie experiences you're ever likely to experience.
New Releases
"A false police report? Put your signature on that, it’s a felony." "Cool. What’s the charge for being rammed off the road, shit stolen, threatened with a Taser?"
New Releases
"I’d sooner face your blade than accept Roman mercy."
New Releases
"I'll say this, she doesn't give a twig about what anyone else thinks." "Of course does. She just pretends not to."